With the start of 2025, a year-long celebration of renewal and forgiveness is held for the Jubilee – a Catholic holy year that is taken place approximately every 25 years. Hosted in Rome, Italy, the Jubilee invites Catholics to partake in:
Pilgrimages – Visit Holy sites in Italy, and the Vatican, to develop a stronger connection with your faith.
Spiritual Rituals – Opening of the Holy Doors, mass, confessions, and processions.
Indulgence – Asking for the forgiveness of sins for themselves and loved ones.
Facts on the Jubilee:

- The first Catholic Jubilee was declared in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII.
- Initially celebrated every 100 years, the interval shortened to 50, then 25 years.
- The Holy Doors, which are typically closed, are open exclusively during Jubilee years.
- The Jubilee is filled with many spiritual activities, cultural experiences and other festivities.
- These events will highlight many different groups of individuals within the church.
- The Jubilee will end on January 6th, 2026.
It is important to note that one does not have to be present in Italy to celebrate the Jubilee. Catholics are encouraged to use this time to reflect and become more grounded in their faith and relationship with God.