Join us in this prayer from USCCB Justice For Immigrants as we celebrate National Migration Week:
Loving Father,
Protect, we pray, all those forced from their homes
by violence and persecution, guide them to places of shelter and safety,
and grant that people migrate always by choice and not necessity.
Watch over children who migrate alone,
protect them from the risks they face all by themselves,
help them reach their destination safely,
and reunite them with those from whom they have been separated.
Guide all migrants who seek a better life,
to new opportunities,
and grant them a new beginning.
We beseech you to give each of us the strength and generosity
to welcome the stranger and to open our homes to the newcomer,
and in doing so to comfort those who are suffering.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.