As access to COVID-19 vaccines become more readily available, it brings hope the pandemic will soon ease its grip. Our prayers continue for all who grapple with the virus, and we are optimistic here in New York, once the epicenter of COVID-19 cases in the United States, we can soon return to a sense of normalcy.
For our immigrant families, business interruptions and closures have meant a loss of jobs. The lack of working hours over the last year have led to mounting debt. When it comes to paying for food or rent, the choice is obvious. In response to this COVID-19 driven crisis, the Cabrini Mission Foundation offers a rent assistance program for those most impacted.
To qualify, renters must have documented proof of a current lease, a letter from their landlord as well as recommendation from one of our immigrant services caseworkers or immigration attorneys. The current family benefit is $1,000 and Foundation checks go directly to the landlords to cover past due rent.
The Cabrini Mission Foundation has been able to assist 37 families to date with this program.