While public attention has shifted north from Guatemala City, Cabrini has continued working. A great many in the Migrant Caravan have moved on, with large numbers having crossed the border into Mexico. Others not been able to continue.
The Scalabrini Migrant Services Center might feel relatively empty. It’s population of migrant persons is approximately 130, down from the 1,500 they reported last week. These people are remaining because they or a family member are too ill to keep walking on the journey.
Yesterday staff and volunteers from Dispensario “San Jose” went to the Migrant Services Center to check on patients and offer comfort. They also brought food and supplies which were greatly needed. The Cabrinian spirit of service lives and moves among these poor and marginalized persons. Dispensario “San Jose” is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and welcoming the stranger in a real and tangible way.